1765 Tax Lists, Perquimans County, North Carolina

Scanned from original copies of the archival documents by Harold Colson in August 2000.

Source: North Carolina State Archives, Perquimans County, Tax Records, Taxables, 1765-1767

These are separate lists from district constables; complete county coverage may be lacking. Some lists name apprentices, boarders, and relatives present in household.

The foregoing is a true List of Taxables taken by Seth Sumner for the year 1765
120 names: page 1 | page 2 | page 3 | page 4

A List of Taxables Taken for the year 1765 in the Distreck of Durants Neck by Charles Blount
83 names, plus many named slaves: page 1 | page 2 | page 3 | page 4 | page 5 | page 6

All sumons to Give in thare List before Charles Blount by David Colson October the 10 Day 1765
55 names, with repeats from Durant's Neck list above: front | back

A List of The masters mistress & overseers of famelyes within my District warned by me John Hall Cnstb for the year 1765
39 names: front

A List of Taxables taken by James Sitteson for the year 1765
63 names, plus many named slaves: front | back

A list of Sundry persons Taxables taken by Robert Riddick 1765
90 names, plus many named slaves: front | back

A List of the Masters & Mistresses of the families in Benjamin Perrys Destrict
65 names, with repeats from Riddick list above: front

A True and perfect List of all Taxables in the Destrict of Joseph Brinkley Constable Taken by Jesse Eason for the year 1765
27 names, plus many named slaves: front

A true List of Taxables taken for the year 1765 / Thos. Bonner
45 names, plus many named slaves: page 1 [handwriting faint!] | page 2 | page 3

[The?] a [True?] list of the Naims of the masters mistrass and oversseers of famleys Sumned to Give in thear List of Taxables for the year 1765 / John Weekes
91 names: front | back